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Technology Sage forum provides solutions, guides, tips and tricks to all matters mobile phones, computers, software and games. OS and firmware upgrade guides, purchase guides and general technology tweaks are also available.

Statistics for this forum's viewership

  • Alexa Rank: 434,514 (technologysage.com domain)
  • Page views: 30,510 (monthly 82% organic)
  • Visitors: 28,443 (monthly)
  • Sessions: 19,986 (monthly)
  • New Visitors: 71.5%
  • Monthly Impressions: 192,584 (According to Google Webmasters Tools)
  • Social media Fans and followers: a total of 5,561
  • Members; actual number available on homepage

These statistics are updated once every month. 80% of my audience are male between the age bracket of 14 years all the way to 65+ years. Majority of them are from United states, United kingdom India, Kenya, South Africa, Netherlands, Nigeria, Ghana, United Arab Emirates, Russia, German, Indonesia, Egypt, Philippines, Sudan, among others. It is a world-wide audience to be precise and therefore it is fit to advertise with technology sage as you will reach a wide range of audience.


You can secure the available free ad space for one month free but you will have to pay for the next month. The ad space usually goes for $20 a month, but you will now only pay $20 for two months getting the first month completely FREE.


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